
"How to feel at home in the nonstop journey of your existence?
How to feel on a journey during the long halts settling at the bottom of your heart?
These are 'attempts to keep life together'
They are led by ignition of the senses and by inspiration of the feelings,
They are collected as the case may be, with the audio-visual tools close at hand."

A girl goes up the river, maybe looking for something, maybe escaping from someone...
Among wolves and mysterious glances she'll find somebody who give her refuge and at the same time ask her for help...

Adventure of children and adults, fancied trips and everyday tragedies. The city and the countryside. Real and dreamt life. A tribute to Emilio Salgari.

Real Pirates and false actors, boys writing lyrics for rap song, girls writings letters to johnny Depp and David Bowie. Men escaping from... reality shows. Fables getting true like the one about Wild Cannibals hanging around the Lake of Bilancino..

Questo è uno dei miei film più personali sotto la sua veste “documentaristica”. Delina, la donna contadina anziana, ritorna in tutto il mio cinema. A lei è legato il tema della terra e della campagna.

Carmaux and Wan Stiller, Mimmo and Sussò fishermen from the Old Town, are looking for the Lady of Ventimiglia, here Carmela. An unexpected old and visionary Morgan send them into memories from childhood, fear of new imprisonment and adverse fate, chats in an arcane and misterious language. (Free) life of nowadays pirates in the beautiful city of Taranto. Based on the novel "Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro Nero" by Emilio Salgari.

two people, an adult and a child.
a father and son.
life, family, love, city, nature...
questions that the father makes to the son
questions that the son makes to the father.
walking on a mountain.

Three women, three last wills and testaments, different lifestyle choices. A town and its venues relive a time that no one seems to remember today. Et mondana ordinare seeks out what is left of that spirit, alternating scenes from the past and the present, with the aim of discovering which unique elements, like those of the past described here, can still be found in the scenes from present day life shown in the film.

Bergamo area a few years earlier. The artist Battarola who, up till then had never had one single customer, suddenly found himself adopted like a son by the most highly-respected author of the time who had, moreover, purchased en bloc more than one hundred of his drawings, paid for the catalogue and organized his first one-man show. Sergio’s expectations were those of anyone making a successful debut. But things have not exactly worked out.

Two young university students go to a grand but rather decadent villa in the country to interview an elderly writer who has been living there in isolation. However the writer will not receive them, preferring instead to remain in insolation, meditating in a small dark room on the top floor. The two young students, while waiting for him to receive them, will become acquainted with the strange followers of this “bizarre” maestro who also live in the villa. The unusual inhabitants of this villa will bring out intimate heartbeats in both of them...