Tonino De Bernardi and Rita>>

Tonino De Bernardi e Rita>>

Jahilia (Occident) – 20th anniversary

In 1996 I realised this short film with the support of Sacher Film. It was written with Claudio Tomati and based on a novel by Flannery O’Connor (“The life you save may be your own”). It was shot over a typically foggy autumn on Oltrepo’ Pavese hills. That is a region where part of my family come from and that I always felt close to the atmosphere of Southern American literature. It will be available at link below all over 2016. Enjoy!
Watch: Jahilia (Occidente)>>

Jahilia (Occident) – 20th anniversary

In 1996 I realised this short film with the support of Sacher Film. It was written with Claudio Tomati and based on a novel by Flannery O’Connor (“The life you save may be your own”). It was shot over a typically foggy autumn on Oltrepo’ Pavese hills. That is a region where part of my family come from and that I always felt close to the atmosphere of Southern American literature. It will be available at link below all over 2016. Enjoy!
Watch: Jahilia (Occidente)>>